Thursday, July 17, 2008

Alaska Cruise

Wow! We are way behind on the blog... Sorry. I will just tell you, you are much better off checking Gabe's myspace page for updates than getting them here. But I am working to do better.

As you can imagine we have had our own drama for the last several months. I am currently 30 weeks pregnant so finally on the downward slope. Of course I was thinking about when I was at this point with Kate, we already had a nursery that was painted and mostly decorated. Let's just say we do have something for the baby to sleep in and that's about it... Hopefully my better half will make great strides before he leaves me for paradise next week.

To sum things up: we have been to the beach a few times, up to Alaska, and Gabe and Kate will head to the Bahamas next week. She will be quite the world traveler before she is even 2.

We have also put in a pool and enrolled Kate in "aquatic survival lessons" with Infant Swim Resource. Just in case you haven't ever seen this program, I encourage you to check it out

Some fairly recent photos...