Thursday, January 15, 2009

Latest Happenings...

Well, the last few nights I have been eyeball deep in For those of you who don't know, on my dad's side we are missing the link for one generation to be able to tie back our family tree all the way to the boat ride over from Holland (although they were originally from Germany). Anyway, if you ever want to try to be a private investigator, working on your family tree is a good challenge. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to stumble upon something from roughly 1810 to tie everthing together.

In addition to that, I started the UAB EatRight program on Tuesday. I am super excited about the whole experience which will continue for the next 12 weeks. So more to come on that...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

We've been tagged...

Ok here is our pic. This was taken in July of 2007 on one of our trips to Panama City Beach. Kate was being entertained by her Papa. Obviously someone was teething...

I am tagging Lauren Pugh, Misty Carroll, Michelle Atchison, and Bridgette Rogers

Here are the rules -
1. Go to your pictures folder.
2. Go to the fourth folder.
3. Choose the fourth picture in the fourth folder.
4. Explain the photo.
5. Tag 4 people.